
September 12, 2020

Welcome Monica!

Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to do a family newborn session for the Soha family and their sweet little newborn Monica. Their young son Walter was just adorable. I love doing photo sessions with little kids. Their energy is so wonderful and their laughter and giggles are just contagious – especially to their parents. While I used to do little mini sessions with my daughter, this was my first time doing a newborn session for a client. There can be some down time with newborns – particularly waiting for them to fall asleep – and it was really nice passing the time by talking with Erica. Doing the small newborn session with Monica was just perfect. Once we got her nice and cozy we were able to get in a few shots that were just beautiful, but thats not hard to do with a gorgeous little baby. Welcome baby Monica, and congratulations to the Soha family!




